How to Make Bread Soft and Fluffy: A Step-by-Step Guide

About six months ago, I was stuck on the question of how to make bread soft and fluffy. No matter how much I tried, I could not make the bread soft and fluffy at all. Only one thought was going around in my head about how to accomplish that soft and fluffy texture in my bread. But I couldn’t get it anyway.  

One day, a neighbor of mine came to my house, and I gave her bread to eat. She ate it and asked, “Why is your bread so hard? And asked if I knew how to make it soft and fluffy. I said this is what I am trying, but so far, I have not been able to make it properly. She assured me not to worry because she also faced the same problem at one time. Later, she learned how to do it from her grandmother and showed me all the processes. 

And since that day till now, I have been making soft and fluffy bread. And for those of you who are still stuck on the question of how to make bread soft and fluffy, then don’t delay and check out this guide with some effective ways you must try, which can lead you to make that first soft and fluffy bread of yours that will melt in your mouth within no time. 

How to Make Bread Soft and Fluffy 

How to make bread soft and fluffy is a common question for everyone who loves baking bread. The answer to achieving that softness and fluffiness starts with understanding the importance of soft and fluffy bread. 

Furthermore, other processes like using high-quality flour, kneading properly with the right balance of ingredients, and correctly applying techniques come up next because every step is going to play an important role in ensuring your bread’s soft and fluffy texture.

So, whether you are a regular baker or a first-timer, these simple yet effective steps, which I will elaborate on in the rest of the article, can help you bake your bread as soft as a pillow. Therefore, why are we waiting? Let’s roll up our sleeves and start the journey of making deliciously soft and fluffy bread.

Why Soft and Fluffy Bread is Important

Fig 1 – Soft and Fluffy bread

Before we jump into the soft bread-making process, it is essential to know about its importance. Why? Because when you know the purpose, only then you can fulfill it properly. 

Softness and fluffiness are the main characteristics of bread that are totally connected to the bread’s taste and overall dining experience. Here are some reasons why understanding the importance of soft and fluffy bread matters: 

1. Easy to Gulp

Suppose you are eating bread that is not comfortable to chew or swallow. How do you feel then? Of course, bad. Isn’t it? So it really matters whether your bread is soft or not. Because soft and fluffy bread has a comfortable texture that helps you easily eat it.  And this becomes very important when it comes to a child or an elderly person, as soft and fluffy bread reduces the risk of choking.

2. Keeps the Flavour 

As long as your bread is soft and fluffy, its flavor remains nearly the same. Usually, fluffy and soft bread has a more open crumb and structure, meaning a better surface. An additional surface in your bread can extract and keep the flavor for extra time. It can absorb tastes from the toppings, fillings, or sauces. Also, soft bread retains more moisture, stopping bread from drying. For this reason, the flavors stay vibrant and appealing.

3. Brings Versatility in Cooking

You can use soft and fluffy bread to bring versatility to your everyday cooking. Soft bread can be used in a wide range of dishes, such as in making sandwiches, toast, or French toast. You can eat it as a side food for soups or stews also, or even in desserts like bread pudding. Soft bread is not only tasty to eat but can also be used to bring versatility to your cooking experience.

4. Looks Good

Last but not least, bread should look as good when you eat it as it tastes, and soft bread has these two qualities simultaneously. It looks so pleasing with its golden crust and airy crumb structure. This aesthetically appealing quality of soft bread can easily increase your meal’s presentation, creating an appetizing aura around it.

What Ingredients Can Make Bread Soft and Fluffy

Ingredients For Making Bread Soft & Fluffy

Fig 2 – Ingredients For Making Bread Soft & Fluffy

As you already know the importance of soft and fluffy bread in the previous section, now it’s high time to start to make it happen. So, the process of making bread as soft and fluffy as the cloud can be achieved by paying attention to the quality of the ingredients.

Without proper ingredients, you may end up with different problems like hole in bread, etc, so it’s all about the right ingredients.

Due to this fact, you must know what ingredients can make bread soft and fluffy. Therefore, what are they? Let’s find it below:

1. High Protein Flour

First of all, you have to look for flour with a protein content of about 11-13%. You might be wondering now, which types of flour contain this amount of protein? Well, the answer is unbleached, all-purpose, or bread flour. Because these kinds of flour contain higher protein, which helps to develop a strong gluten network. Also, its consistent texture enzyme-rich properties work effectively on fermentation which makes bread’s structure softer. 

2. Filtered Water

Make sure that you are using clean or filtered water. It essentially prevents impurities and contaminants from mixing into the dough. Which keeps the dough’s quality good enough to bake a soft bread. Another thing, if you are using tap water, you should know that it contains chlorine or chloramine, which basically reduces the activity of the yeast, as a result, the dough rises less, and the texture becomes not so soft. To avoid this, heat your tap water to 110°F or 45°C. Through this, you can easily remove the chlorine from the water.

3. Quality Yeast

After choosing flour and water, the most abundant ingredient is yeast, as it’s responsible for fermentation. Yeast consumes the sugar and produces carbon dioxide gas, which gets trapped in the dough and helps it rise. As a result, we get soft and fluffy bread. Therefore, selecting quality yeast is unavoidable. So, what traits can make your bread soft and fluffy? Oh, this is obvious. All you have to do is choose fresh and active dry yeast or instant yeast. Then, it will sort out the next, and you will get bread that is soft as well as crumbly.

4. Salt & Sugar 

You might wonder how these North and South Poles can make your bread soft and fluffy. But remember, salt controls the fermentation process by slowing down east activity. And sugar provides food for yeast. They both work together side by side to enhance the flavor of the bread. 

Additionally, you will be surprised to see that the main function of sugar does another eye-catching job for your soft and fluffy bread. It makes your bread not only sweet and fluffy but also creates a brown outlook while baking it and gives your desired golden crust. So, salt and sugar are like Tom and Jerry as they keep a unique balance between taste and texture. 

5. Milk or Milk Powder

Using milk or milk powder is optional. But you would love to know that milk has some benefits. It adds tenderness, a richer flavor, and other nutrients to your dough. Also, milk contains proteins and sugars that can give your bread a browned appearance and help produce softer crumbs.

6. Fat 

Fats enrich the dough and make it softer and more flavorful. They can also help with your dough’s moisture retention. So, try to use high-quality butter if you really want to make your bread soft and fluffy. But what will you do when you don’t have butter at home? Don’t worry. You can use olive oil or other fats instead, but make sure they are of good quality.

7. Eggs

You can add eggs to have a good structured dough with extra flavor. Eggs also help to produce a softer crumb and golden crust. But make sure that you are using fresh eggs; otherwise, it will not work properly.

So these are pretty much all you need to make a soft and fluffy bread. But it is good to remember that the ingredients you use should be fresh and of high quality because this will directly affect the final impact of your bread.  So what’s the delay? Let’s see how to make bread soft and fluffy with these ingredients in the next steps.

How to Get the Right Dough Consistency for Making Bread Soft & Fluffy

Fig 3 – Making Process of Soft and Fluffy Bread

You have to achieve the right dough consistency for several important reasons, such as ensuring a good texture and structure and proper rising of the dough or handling it more easily. So, how can you get it? Let’s delve in and find the answer below, step by step.

1. Measure Accurately

If you want to make your bread softer and fluffy, and If you want to bake your dough as soft as a pillow, then you must first ensure you are measuring the ingredients properly. In that scenario, consider using a kitchen scale instead of estimating with cups to have a proper measurement because a slight change can affect the consistency of your dough.

2. Mix Ingredients With Perfection 

After gathering all the ingredients and measuring them accurately, it’s time to mix them together perfectly until they are well combined. Proper mixing will give you a shaggy and sticky dough as this type of dough is a bit wetter and less smooth than a firm dough. That can produce your soft and fluffy bread if you can ferment and handle it accurately.

3. Knead the Dough Properly 

Fig 4 – Kneading to make bread soft and fluffy

Your dough’s gluten development totally depends on how well you have kneaded it. For proper kneading, first place the dough on a lightly floured surface. Then fold it over and push gently away with your hand’s heel. After that, rotate and repeat. 

To get the best result, knead the dough for at least 10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. You can use a stand mixer if you want to save some time and reduce toil.

4.  Perform Windowpane Test 

For beginners, a common question that often comes to mind is whether their dough is perfectly kneaded or not. Well, If you have the same question, perform the windowpane test to check if your dough is properly kneaded. 

How to do it? Oh, it’s an easy-peasy thing. Just take a small piece from your dough and gently stretch it. If it stretches into a thin, translucent sheet without tearing, then consider that you have done a perfect kneading job.

5. Add Water or flour as needed

What will you do if you find your dough is too dry and crumbly? Hey, there is nothing to worry about that; just add a teaspoon of water at a time and again knead it until it reaches your desired consistency. 

Sometimes, you may need to adjust the amount of water according to the humidity and temperature of your kitchen. If it starts to get wet and sticky, add some flour, and it will keep the balance of water.

If you want to learn more about adding flour, then you can watch The Effect of Adding Flour when Kneading Bread Dough to perform this process more accurately.

6. Let the Dough Rise Properly

After adjusting your dough’s consistency, place it in an oiled bowl and let it rise in a warm place by covering it with a damp cloth or plastic wrap for 1-2 hours. When you see it has turned into doubled in size, understand that your dough has perfectly fermented. 

7. Punch Down Gently 

After the first rise, you have to punch down the dough slowly to release excess gas from it. This will help redistribute the yeast in the dough and create a uniform crumb. 

8. Shape the Dough 

According to your recipe, shape the dough into loaves or rolls on a lightly floured surface and let it rise again until it doubles in size. 

Therefore, it’s important to shape the dough perfectly. By doing this you will get an even rise and final texture that can lead you to have your desired soft and fluffy bread.

But what if somehow your dough gets tough? Don’t worry! Chich this How to Fix Tough Bread Dough – Fix Easily With These Tips to simply avoid that issue. 

Effective Baking Techniques to Make Bread Soft and Fluffy

Fig 5 – Effective Baking Techniques to make bread soft and fluffy

You can make bread as soft as a pillow with a finger snap when you know the effective baking techniques. Those techniques can make your baking process so much easier. 

Therefore, here are some effective baking techniques for achieving your desired fluffy texture: 

1. Preheating the Oven

  • Always ensure that you have preheated the oven before you are going to place the dough in it. By this, your dough will get an immediate boost of heat. That can give your dough a good rise and a crispy crust.

Talking about ovens, here is an interesting article for you: Electric vs Gas Ovens: Which Is Best For Baking Bread?

2. Using Steam 

  • Steam in the oven helps to create a moist environment in the oven so that the bread can rise and develop a soft texture. So, it is important to create steam. How to do that? To create steam in the oven, simply place a pan of hot water inside,  or you can use a spray bottle to mist the water instead. It’s as simple as that.

3. Baking at the Right Temperature 

  • Baking your bread at a temperature between 375°F (190°C) and 425°F (218°C) is convenient for producing soft and fluffy bread. So, if you want to get a soft and fluffy texture, then try this method ASAP.

4. Monitoring Oven Temperature

  • You have to monitor the oven temperature to bake your bread evenly and prevent it from burning. Use an oven thermometer to get an accurate reading. Be careful and keep an eye on it, as even slight variations of heat can affect the baking process. 

Pro Tips for Achieving Extra Fluffiness

If you are still questioning how to make bread softer, then the following tips are going to satisfy your query. Let’s take a look.

  • Avoid overbaking if you want to have soft and fluffy bread.
  • Cover the bread with a clean kitchen towel to retain moisture and achieve a softer crust after baking. 
  • Brush the crust with melted butter after baking for a good look with enhanced flavor.
  • Cool the bread on a wire rack to maintain the air circulation and prevent trapped moisture, as it can lead to a soggy crust. 
  • After cooling the bread, warp it with a paper towel before storing it to keep the crust soft. 
  • Avoid cooling the bread in a drafty area to have a tender crust and store it in a paper bag or bread box. 


Can I use all-purpose flour instead of bread flour for soft and fluffy bread?

Yes, of course, you can. It’s essential to use all-purpose flour instead of bread flour, as it is of high quality, unbleached, and contains proteins at around 11-13%, nearly the same as bread flour. 

What should I do if my dough is too sticky or dry during kneading?

You should add flour gradually until it becomes workable. Additionally, if the dough becomes too dry and crumbly, just add water a teaspoon at a time, and it will bring balance, and as a result, you will get soft and fluffy bread. 

Can I skip the step of preheating the oven?

No, it will not bring any good to your final bread result. When you preheat the oven, it bakes the dough evenly, which helps it to rise properly and provides you a soft and fluffy bread with a crispy crust. So, preheat your oven before placing the dough inside to get a soft and fluffy texture. 


And here we are, mate, standing at the final stage of crafting a soft and fluffy bread. From the very beginning, we have started with the question of how to make bread soft and fluffy. And by now you are holding all the keys as we have walked through the whole article. 

In our comprehensive step-by-step guide, we have shown you every possible knowledge and technique for making soft and fluffy bread. We have also shared with you the importance of soft and fluffy bread, along with some pro tips that can help you prevent unwanted mistakes. 

So, buddy, you are now almost ready to bake the softest and fluffiest bread according to your desire. The only thing you have to do next is to practice these processes properly.  Then, the day is not long to come when you will see that you have cracked the code of how to make bread soft and fluffy. And the heavenly aroma of soft and fluffy bread is wafting from your kitchen. 

More Resources

How To Keep Bread From Molding? – The Complete Guide To Save Better

How Long is Bread Good for After the Expiration Date: Everything You Need to Know