How Long is Bread Good for After the Expiration Date: Everything You Need to Know

Once, out of curiosity, I asked my mother how long is bread good for after the expiration date. Mama told me, this is the exact question she asked my granny. So, my granny suggested that it is wrong to think that expired bread means it is unfit to eat; at least it can be eaten after a few days.

We often throw bread away without knowing its shelf life. This leads us to food waste. On the other hand, sometimes we are not conscious enough of the afterlife of bread and we consume it without understanding if it is okay to eat or not. That led us to get sick and suffer from several diseases.

Therefore, if you want to get answers to all of your questions about how long bread is good for after the expiration date. This article can serve your purpose. So why wait? Let’s find out your solution below.

How Long Is Bread Good for After the Expiration Date?

Fig 1 – A Good bread and expired loaves of bread

A question may come to our mind often: how long is bread good for after the expiration date? Well, the answer is simple; it is safe to eat bread for a few days after its expiration date only if it shows no signs of spoilage like bad odor or mold. But there are more things out there we should know about. What are they? Let’s find out in the following discussion.

The Longevity of Various Types of Bread After The Expiration Date

To understand how long is bread good for after the expiration date, we need to understand the longevity of each type of bread first.

Fig 2- Longevity of different types of expired bread

Generally, the longevity of your bread depends on the type of bread. Take a quick look at these most common sorts of bread to learn about their longevity after the expiry date:

White Bread

White Bread

Fig 3 – White Bread

White breads contain refined flour, water, salt, and fewer natural oils. And these ingredients are the main reason why they are low in natural preservatives like calcium propionate or potassium sorbate. An unopened pack of white bread can last about 5-7 days whereas opened bread lasts only 3-4 days after the expiration date if you store them properly.

Whole Wheat Bread

Fig 4 – Expired whole wheat bread

How long is wheat bread good for after the expiration date? Here is your answer: Unlike white bread, whole wheat bread contains higher fiber. They can last longer than white bread. You can have whole wheat bread for 7-10 days after the expiry date. If it is not opened it can stay around 5-7 days easily.

Specialty Bread

Fig 5 – Specialty bread 

Because of the other ingredients like nuts, seeds, or other add-ins, it’s better to consume specialty bread within 1 week after the expiration date. But somehow if you can’t eat that bread on time, don’t worry. You don’t have to put them in the garbage. Around the 7-10 days mark after the expiration date, you can still enjoy them if they are unopened. In the case of an opened pack you can have them for 5-7 days but make sure that you store them in an airtight container.

Impact of Storage on Breads Post Expiration Date Life

Fig 6 – Bread well stored in a poly bag for longevity

As we saw how the post-expiration date works on the different kinds of bread now in this para we’ll know about another important thing. What is that? Of course, it is about the storage plan. How long you can use bread after its expiration date depends on how you store it. For this reason, it is important to learn about at least two types of storage: pantry and fridge. Let’s dive in to know more.

Fridge Storage

Fig 7 – Bread stored in a refrigerator for longevity

How long is bread good for after the expiration date in the fridge? Well, it is proven that refrigeration can extend the shelf life of bread as well as keep the bread from molding more than any other storage does. It’s a great option if you are unable to consume the bread within the expiry date. But sometimes it can change the texture of your bread. To prevent moisture loss you have to keep them in airtight containers or bags. White bread can last up to 2 weeks after the expiration date in the refrigerator while whole wheat bread can survive around 3 weeks.

Pantry Storage

Fig 8 – Pantry storage for bread

If you are one of those who love to keep your bread in the pantry like me, then come join me and let me show you what I do. Okay, first things first, you have to make sure your bread is stored in a cool and dry place. Don’t forget to hide them from direct sunlight, as the rays of the sun can make your bread as hard as a brick. You can use a bread box, but if you ask me, I will vote for sealed plastic bags because they are more reliable in minimizing exposure to air. In pantry storage, you can store bread for 2-5 days after its expiration date. Yes, you got it right, it cannot keep your bread good after the expiration date as fridge storage does. However, there is an advantage of this stage: it doesn’t make your bread much drier and keeps it fresher than fridge storage.

Bread’s safety vs. quality over time

Fig 9 – Checking bread’s health condition to understand freshness

Most of the time we think that when loaves cross their expiry date they become toxic. But here is the truth, bread doesn’t contain harmful bacteria if it’s handled carefully. It is more about quality than safety. When bread starts aging it gets stale or the texture may change. It is safe to eat if it doesn’t show any signs of spoilage. When you see mold or a bad smell coming from your bread you have to understand you have to say R.I.P. to your bread.

What Factors Influence Bread Shelf Life 

Worried about your bread’s shelf life? Trust me I’m telling you there is nothing to worry about. There are only three secrets of bread shelf life. Once you become aware of this it will be easier for you to keep your bread fresh longer. What are they? Find out in the following section:


Temperature is a very important thing to keep your bread fresh and fluffy. It would be better if you store it at room temperature, around 70°F. If you are thinking of finishing your bread quickly then room temp is your best bet.


Packaging can be another secret tool for your bread’s shelf life only when you know how to deal with it properly. Good packaging can keep your bread cozy and can prevent it from turning into cardboard. Keep your bread in airtight containers or resealable bags. They are like Captain America for your bread.


One thing that you must pay attention to if you want to keep your bread fresh is its humidity. Too much moisture and your bread will dance with the molds and little it will turn your bread into a solid brick piece. so keeping the proper humidity for your bread is inevitable. Around 60-70% humidity is the best for your bread. This will keep your bread in excellent condition, not so soft, and not too dry. 

Common Signs, Effects, and Your Cautions for Bread Spoilage 

Fig 10 – Searching for common signs of bread spoilage

You have already questioned how long is bread good after the expiration date which means you are pretty much concerned about saving food also. Yes, whether it is a piece of bread or a plate of food we always have to think about saving them. To make it happen, we should have at least basic ideas about the common signs of bread spoilage. If you want to save your bread from being wasted and know when to stop eating your expired bread, read the following part. 

Visuals and Textural Changes in Expired Breads 

Fig 12 – Inside of a bread 

If you find your bread is showing subtle signs of aging that means you have to keep a close eye on it. Here are some visual and textural cues:

Mold Migration

If you see a single spot of green, blue, or grayish fuzz consider it as spoiled bread and you can’t eat it anymore. Mazor issues can take place if you consume that harmful piece of bread. 

Texture Changes

Usually expired bread starts to become dry and or crumby when it grows old. But when it turns into a solid piece just throw it away and make sure other animals don’t get the chance to eat it. Spoiled bread can cause sickness in any existing life.

Unpleasant Order

One of the easiest signs of spoiled bread is that it stinks. Spoiled bread spreads a musty and strong sour smell. So always smell expired bread before eating it to keep yourself healthy and sound.

Presence of insects 

The presence of insects is the extremest condition of an expired date. Incesets in your bread contain parasites, fungi, or bacteria that can cause foodborne illness.  If you see any kind of bugs surfing in your bread then it’s a red flag. You should put them in the garbage right after you see something like that in your bread. 

Growth of Mold  

Fig 13 – Bread with growing mold

The growth of mold in your bread is a dangerous sign. It can hamper your health and also waste a whole pack of bread. See how the growth of mold can prevent you from eating your expired bread below: 

Health Risks

Expired bread is fine to eat as long as it does not threaten to harm your health. How to understand when it’s a threat to your body? That’s an easy task. All you need to do is just watch out for mold. Otherwise, it can lead your body to several issues like allergies, a decrease in the immune system, and many more.

Spread of Spoilage

Spreading spoilage is like a zombie. If mold touches any corner of the bread, it will slowly spread throughout the rest. The sad part is that no matter how much you cut off the visible mold, you won’t be able to eat that bread anymore.

The “ Sniff Test’’ 

Fig 14 – Sniff test to understand how long is bread good for after the expiration date

From ancient times, we the people judged food by sniffing it. Sounds funny, right? But it’s a fact. Sniffing is the most reliable for a basic test because if your food is not smelling good then how can you eat it? However it is not a strong way to find out if your bread has died or not. But for a quick test, it can be a very useful trick. 

What to do with Expired Bread: 4 Short Recipes You Must Try 

Think of a busy morning when you have to leave home early. You open the fridge and see nothing. The bread on your table has also expired. What can you do right now? Don’t worry, that stale bread on your table can be the savior of your day in a delicious way. But how? Keeping your time crunch in mind, here are 4 short recipes that will not only save you time but also satisfy your taste buds. 


Fig 15 – Breadcrumbs with expired bread

From meatloaf to stuffing to pasta dishes or in dessert you can use breadcrumbs almost in all sorts of recipes. How to prepare this breadcrumb stuff? Well, it’s as easy as drinking water. To make breadcrumbs, pick up your expired bread, tear it into small pieces, and place them in a food processor or a blender. Blend until it turns into crumbs. Take the crumbs out of your blender and season with salt, pepper, or spices to add some extra flavor. Your breadcrumb is ready to make your tastebud happy.


Fig 16 – Croutons with expired bread 

Have some expired bread on your table? Make croutons with’em. You don’t have to put extra effort into preparing it. Just slice the bread into cubes and toss them with some olive oil, peppers, salt, and herbs. Spread them well on a baking sheet and bake for only 10-15 minutes at 350°F  in your oven. Don’t forget to preheat it at the same temperature. When you see they are turning golden brown and crispy they are ready for serving. 

French Toast

Fig 17 – French toast with expired bread

Making French toast is the most delicious way to utilize your expired bread. It’s also easy to make at the same time. My granddad taught me this mouth-watering recipe. And now I am going to show you how to create this tasty toast. First, simply whisk eggs, milk, and cinnamon in a shallow dish together. Then, dip the slices of bread into the mixture and cook it over medium heat. If you see your bread has turned golden brown on both sides that means your french toast is ready. Serve before it gets cold with your favorite toppings. To know more about French toast check out The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Bread for French Toast because if you are a foodie you gotta be choosy.

Bread Pudding 

Bread pudding with expired bread

Fig 18 – Bread pudding with expired bread

If you are a classic dessert lover then you already know how tasteful a bread pudding is. To make this delicious dish simply tear your expired bread into small pieces and put them on a baking dish. In another bowl mix eggs, sugar, and milk. Pour the mixture on the bread and let it soak for 10-15 minutes. After that, bake it in a preheated oven at 350°F. When the pudding seems set, your dish is ready to make your tummy happy. You can serve it with some toppings like whipped cream or vanilla sauce to make it taste unique. You can watch this Don’t Waste Leftover Bread, Make This Easy And Delicious Recipe to explore more about expired bread dishes.


Does bread expire if unopened?

It doesn’t matter whether your bread is opened or unpacked. Bread will expire anyway. However, you can have your bread within 1 week as it causes no health issues.

What happens if I eat bread after the expiry date?

Eating bread that has crossed the expiry date can make you feel sick. Food poisoning or gastrointestinal discomfort can happen in serious cases.

Which bread lasts the longest?

Sourdough bread is the one that lasts the longest. As it is more acidic it prevents mold from growing inside of it and delays the starch retrogradation that keeps it fresh for approximately 17-14 days. 


So we are at the end of this article. Here, you witness from how long is bread good for after the expiration date to what you can do with your expired bread, hope you got your desired answer. 

Now, not only know how you can save food but also you raise the chance of mastering the ability to do experiments with your expired bread.

Therefore, as you have gained nearly every possible thing about bread life, it is your turn to utilize these ideas in your daily life to eat your expired bread healthily. 

More Resources

How To Stop Bread From Sticking To The Pan? (5 Best Ways)