Electric vs Gas Ovens: Which Is Best For Baking Bread?

Baking is always an experiment for many people, including mine, in my early beginning days. Are you tired of your loaves coming out half-baked, over-baked, or just plain baked wrong? this is a common story to everyone. Today, we’re going to tackle one of the most heated debates in the bread-baking world: electric vs gas ovens.

It’s a rivalry as old as time, like cats versus dogs or Pepsi versus Coke. Okay, maybe it’s not that intense, but you get the picture. The question is, which type of oven is the best for achieving that perfect crust and tender crumb in your homemade bread?

So, put on your aprons and preheat your ovens because we’re about to go on a wild ride on electric vs gas ovens through the pros and cons of electric and gas ovens when it comes to baking bread.

Whether you are a beginner or a pro baker, this article on understanding which one is best for baking bread will definitely be helpful to you.

Electric vs Gas Ovens: Which is Best for Baking Bread?

During my early baking days, I used to search and be excited a lot about baking the perfect and run for learning how to make bread softer. Maybe not only for me; it’s a run for every new baker. Every time I ruin the bread, I always look for the reasons why it’s spoiled. 

It’s just like a small experiment, and I am like a scientist to understand from the beginning and to find out the exact reason. Sometimes, the bread baking failure can be a reason for the oven we are choosing as well.  

I baked both in an electric oven as well as with a gas oven too. From my experience, I would like to explain to you electric vs gas ovens: which is the best one for baking bread. Let’s start with electric ovens.

  • Electric Ovens

These babies are like the superheroes of the baking world. They heat up super-fast and maintain an even temperature throughout the baking process, making it easier to achieve that perfect crust and crumb. 

Plus, temperature control is a remote in your hand with electric ovens With the precise temperature control, you can bake your bread to perfection every single time. It’s like having a trusty sidekick that always has your back.

With having a chance to maintain the perfect temperature you are looking for and a chance to maintain the same temperature throughout, it’s hard to go wrong for baking with electric ovens unless you mismatch the ingredients or lose yourself thinking somewhere. 

If you are missing even with the right ingredients and with perfect baking and stuck in problems like tough bread, you must need my grandma’s punishment and baking stories. Then, you will achieve the highest concentration and perfect formulas for baking.

Fig 1 – Electric Oven for baking bread

  • Gas Ovens

Gas Ovens are no lesser. These ovens have a certain charm that can’t be replicated by electric ovens. 

Let me explain something. My grandmother used to cook a popular breakfast, idli; you might be aware, or you might not be aware as well. It’s a popular breakfast in Asian countries. 

It can be made through different types. It’s also similar to baking. You can cook with different types of sources of heat and in different vessels. Every method has its own wonderful taste. 

Similarly, gas ovens also produce bread, which offers a different flavor and taste.

Talking about bread, molding is an important issue with breads; if you are also a person who is looking for a solution for it, here is a great reference: How to keep bread from molding

Maybe it’s the fact that they make that satisfying hissing sound when you turn them on, or maybe it’s the smoky flavor that gas can impart to your bread. Either way, there’s something special about using a gas oven to bake bread.

The uneven heat distribution in gas ovens can actually work to your advantage when baking bread. It can give your loaves those beautiful crispy edges that make your mouth water. And if you’re the adventurous type who likes to experiment with different areas of the oven to achieve different effects, a gas oven is the perfect tool for you.

But you have to keep a close eye on your bread and be ready to adjust the temperature and rotation of your loaves on the fly. But once you’ve tamed the beast that is the gas oven, you’ll feel like a baking rockstar.

Fig 2 – Gas Oven for baking bread

So, now, which oven reigns supreme for baking bread? Well, that all boils down to your taste buds and the type of bread you’re craving. 

  • If you’re all about accuracy and want your loaves to turn out perfectly every time, an electric oven is your champion. 
  • But, if you’re feeling wild and want to experiment, then a gas oven is the superstar you’re seeking. 

Just remember these two points; they are sufficient to answer electric vs gas ovens. So I won’t say anything about electric vs gas ovens, which is the best one for baking bread because both are my favorite. 

Whether you opt for the dependable electric oven or the daring gas oven, the end result will be a scrumptious loaf of bread that’ll make your taste buds sing with joy.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Oven for Bread Baking

 Now look into what are the factors that you must consider before choosing an oven for bread baking.

Fig 3 – Factors to Consider When Choosing an Oven for Bread Baking

1. Proper Heat Distribution

Now, obviously, you don’t want to mess around when it comes to your bread, so the first order of business is how to spread the love…of heat, that is! 

Trust me, Whatever the dish you are preparing, whether it’s banana bread or normal bread or anything, it’s all majorly about the even distribution so that only your loaves come out perfectly browned and delicious. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, gas ovens have their charms, but when it comes to baking bread, they can be a bit of a wild card. They heat from the bottom and then play a game of hot potato with the rising heat, which can leave your bread feeling a bit…unloved if you know what I mean. 

So, if you’re looking for a match made in baking heaven, go with an electric oven. They’ll heat things up from both the top and bottom, making sure every inch of your dough gets the attention it deserves. Trust me, your taste buds will thank you!

2. Moisture Locking

Let’s talk about the juiciness factor, folks! Moisture retention is a crucial element when it comes to baking your goodies. Otherwise, you will end up looking at the bread sticking to your pan.

Electric ovens are the masters of keeping things moist as they don’t have any vents to let the steam escape. This makes them ideal for crafting that crusty, perfectly baked bread we all salivate over.

Fig 4 – Perfect Moisture locked bread

On the flip side, gas ovens have steam vents that can suck out all the moisture and leave you with a dry crust that makes you want to cry. So, if you want to keep things juicy and delicious, go electric and let the moist magic happen!

3. Temperature Control 

It is crucial when it comes to baking bread. Electric ovens have a thermostat that regulates temperature, so they’re more precise than gas ovens, which rely on flames and can fluctuate.

4. Money 

Of course, money matters too. Electric ovens are cheaper to purchase and operate, while gas ovens can be more cost-effective in the long run if you bake frequently because gas is usually cheaper than electricity.

5. Personal Preference 

This is everything. Some bakers prefer electric ovens because they’re easy to use and more consistent. Others like gas ovens because they give the bread a unique flavor and texture.

These are the five different factors you must consider before choosing an oven for baking bread. It’s almost clear that electric ovens are on a little higher side than gas ovens. Still, I would say it depends on your objective, as both offer different flavors and tastes.


1. Can I use a microwave to bake bread?

Yes, you can “bake” bread in a microwave. Plus, there’s something about the aroma of freshly baked bread replicated in a microwave.

2. Which type of oven do professional bakers use?

Professional bakers typically use commercial-grade ovens, which are often larger and more powerful than residential ovens. However, the type of oven they use can vary based on personal preference and the specific type of bread they’re baking.

3. Is it better to use a conventional or convection oven for baking bread?

Again, this really depends on personal preference. Convection ovens have a fan that helps to circulate the heat, which can lead to more even baking. However, some bakers prefer the simplicity of a conventional oven.

4. Can the type of oven affect the flavor of the bread?

Yes, the type of oven can have an impact on the flavor of the bread. For example, a gas oven may impart a slightly different flavor than an electric oven. However, the biggest factors that affect flavor are the ingredients and the baking process itself.


    So, there you have it, folks – the showdown of electric vs gas ovens for bread baking. 

    Both types of ovens have their pros and cons, like a high-stakes game of rock-paper-scissors. So it’s hard to be on a side among electric vs gas ovens.

    The most important thing is to get in the kitchen, throw some flour around, and bake some damn good bread. After all, isn’t the smell of fresh bread the ultimate kitchen fragrance?

    Experiment with different recipes, adjust the temperature and make some delicious mistakes. Who knows? You might even discover a new bread recipe that’s out of this world.

    At the end of the day, whether you’re using an electric or gas oven, the magic of baking bread is in the process. So, have fun, get your hands doughy, and enjoy the ride.

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